Owen is at such a fun age right now; he mimicks everything we say. He's running all over the place, and climbing when he has the chance. One of his funniest antics is when he "sneaks" up behind us, shoulders hunched, hands in little lobster pincher style, and "tickles" us on the back. It's hilarious.
Some new words from the boy genius:
- Yesterday in the car, Owen pointed out the window and said "airpa, airpa" - pointing to the airplane flying in the sky.
- He recognizes the Aquafor and Vaseline and Triple Paste we use on his diaper rash, and says "bum bum" when we get it out of the drawer.
- He started saying "poo poo," once he's finished of course. :-)
- He's also saying garage door ("raj do") and getting better at saying "please" on his own, without us having to prompt him.
Owen is in a really good habit of putting things back after he plays with them. He has a really bad habit of putting his hands in Abbey's food and water bowl, but then of course he puts himself into time out (the corner of the dining room ~ he sits there and says "no no.") Recently he discovered Elmo, and can't get enough of the furry red fella.
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