I get the frying pan on the stove and throw some butter in it. O hears the refridgerator door open, and comes cruising in like a madman. Against my better judgement, I let him play in the fridge (now, before you judge, this is one of his preferred pasttimes and I obviously don't let him play unsupervised, nor is he actually IN the fridge, but just standing there with the door open. I realized when I re-read that sentence that I sound like mom of the year). I digress. Anywho, O is playing with the fridge door open (that sounds better), I've got a pan full of hot butter on the stove that is starting to smoke while I gather the ingredients for his nutritious dinner. We have a touchy smoke alarm, so I needed to turn the vent on with a quickness. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to me, you can do ANYTHING on the microwave until the darn clock is set. Who knew? So the smoke is going, I'm hitting all the buttons to reset the clock, trying just to get it to ALLOW me to turn the vent on. Finally. Success.
I notice that O is curiously eyeing the glass jar of marinated artichokes. No, no, honey, not that one. Here - I'll move all the condiments in plastic containers to your level so you can play. Done. Back to my grill cheese.
THEN, I hear the pitter patter of little ... wait, it's not feet. It's the melodic tune of the rain coming down in our kitchen ~ the same place that our house leaks everytime a big storm comes and the builder claims it's nature's fault that our home has holes in it. Interesting. Anyway, I digress again. So the vent is on taking care of the smoke, and I run over to grab a towel to soak up the pond that has now emerged in our kitchen floor. Ok - got it. Dripping is now occuring on soft cotton instead of our wood floors.
O throws his milk cup down ("no no") on the floor and anxiously awaits his grilled cheese. Of course, I had tried to hide a little piece of ham into this gourmet delight, which he very adamantly does not like. So he proceeds to pick apart the grilled cheese which has nearly cost me my sanity, and throws it onto the floor. And yes, he ended up having waffles for dinner.
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