We've been very fortunate with the fact that O hasn't been sick ... yet. Sure, he had a little diarhea here and there, but none of the typical colds and infections that seem to plague the little ones ... yet.
*warning - poop story below*
Last Sunday evening, O had a really rough time. He was up crying most of the night - and when I say crying, I mean SCREAMING at the top of his lungs. Anyone who knows him knows that he has to be really upset to be crying, much less pitching a fit. So, as new parents, Kev and I were up most of the night worried sick about what was going on with our little punkin.
On Monday I took O to the doctor, who discovered that he has an ear infection. Poor little buddy - we thought something was up but everytime we took him in, the doctors were all like, "he's teething," yada, yada, yada. So we figured he was teething. Well, he was, WITH an ear infection that was causing him a lot of pain. So they put him on Amoxicillin, and told us he would have "loose stools." Um, that my friends, is the understatement of the year. "Loose stools" in O's world means at least six, sometimes more, poopy diapers a day, that ooze out of the diaper onto his clothes and leave him with the ultimate chapped bootie. Since we can't use the traditional baby wipes, we're using wet paper towels to clean him, which is really fun when pieces of them rip off and end up in his netherregions. Then O decides that he wants to help, so he reaches down to grab the paper towel and pulls a piece of it off, and where does it go? Yep, into his mouth. So every diaper change is quite an adventure, making sure all the poop is gone, O hasn't carried any of the poopy towel into his mouth, and getting the butt paste on BEFORE he tries to scoot himself off the changing pad. Last night, he managed to grab hold of the poopy diaper iself and drag it up towards him with eyes wide and mouth open. I could almost hear him chuckle at me ...