Thursday, April 19, 2007

Pics from the b-day

O was really tired, after a long day of being super cute on his birthday. Mimi & Papa sent him some balloons (loon) with a giant teddy bear to wish him a happy birthday.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Happy Birthday Baby!!

It's hard to believe that O is one year old today!! I'll try and post some pictures soon. We're planning his baseball-themed birthday party for Sunday and I'm so excited!!

At 12 months, here are some fun O facts:
  • Words he likes to say: light (liie), balloon (loon), baby (bay-bay), yum (num-num), mama, dada, toy (doy), kitty (kih), abbey (ahh-buh), Babe Ruth (bay-rue); he also has a few key Japanese phrases he likes to use, but of course we can't translate :-)
  • Foods he likes to eat: waffles, turkey, american cheese slices, veggie burgers, mashed potatoes, whole wheat bread, Activia yogurt (can't get enough of the stuff), whole milk
  • No longer taking a bottle - enjoys milk and water from a sippy cup (although he likes to throw it on the floor after taking a drink)
  • He can crawl very well, though sometimes he belly flops and army crawls
  • He loves to crawl to his playroom when we get home at night
  • Favorite toys: Weebalot Castle (loves to open the drawbridge and put mommy's keys in the castle); Wowie Roboto (small toy from one of Parker's happy meals); LeapFrog Piano (loves the green compartment that opens and closes - it's a game to figure out which toys he can fit into the little compartment); his socks (can't keep them on his feet - it's a game when mommy and daddy say "Dooooon't do it" and he takes his sock off and laughs histerically); balloons are FASCINATING
  • O sleeps with Ellie (elephant) at Grandma's house; Bear and Dog at home
  • Just has paci at nightime and naptimes; knows "Paci down" to put the pacifier in the crib in the morning
  • LOVES the bath - loves to play in the tub and recently started pulling himself up in the tub
  • Eczema is manageable (finally)
  • Still has the delirious belly laugh when he's over-tired
  • Elicits the same comment from all who meet him: "What a happy boy!"

Friday, April 13, 2007

Our future baseball star

Said the words "Babe Ruth" when K and I got him out of the crib this morning. O has some vintage tins of baseball players hanging on his wall, and we point to them and say their names. This morning he responded with "bay rue" - which clearly shows he is a genius.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007